Friday 10 April 2015

You won't believe what a wicked woman did to this a nine-year-old (Photos)

According to the Nanjing Morning Post, a nine-year-old boy after he was abused by his foster mother because he could not finish the extra homework his foster mother gave him. The incident happened in eastern China. Police told reporters that the innocent young boy was hit with a scratching rod, whipped with ropes and kicked by his 50-year-old foster mum.Horrific scars were found on the boy's hands, feet and back after her told teachers that his parents were beating him with water pipes and branches, and burning him with water vapour. see more pix after the cut...

The adoptive mother has now been detained by police for "willful and malicious injury. The young boy was legally adopted when he was six and has now been temporarily placed with his biological parents. His adoptive parents work as a journalist and a lawyer.This is a pure act of wickedness .

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