Saturday 11 April 2015

Healthy Weight Loss Foods That You Will Love

Of course the best way to lose extra weight is to exercise! But if you’re not such a great fan of exercising and you’d rather change what you eat, then we have a perfect list of foods for you. The only thing you need to do is to incorporate some of these foods into your meals. They will relieve water retention and help you keep away from the cookies, candies and other low-nutritious foods you love to eat. Your metabolism will be boosted and you will not only feel better, but you will feel like your stomach is full during the whole day.


1.  Almonds are packed with skin-boosting vitamin E and protein. Also, they are high in fiber, which stops you feeling hungry all the time. Not to mention almond taste great when eaten raw, roasted, with salt… they are just perfect. Researches at Purdue University also found that, despite almonds are relatively high in calories, they actually do not contribute to bell fat. So switch from that greasy chips to almonds and you will notice the difference.
2. So you have a stubborn stomach that just won’t listen and always needs more? how about you include a portion of leafy green vegetables at every meal. Roman lettuce, kale, spinach and other leafy greens are extremely low in calories and they are packed with fibers! They also offer several vital vitamins for normal functioning of your organism. Minerals in them will help ease water retention without causing bloating and discomfort that some other vegetables cause.

4. Believe it or not, olive oil can actually help you lose weight. Olive oil contains poly saturated fats that can stave off hunger pains. Also, olive oil contains a naturally occurring chemical called oleic acid. This acid helps the breakdown of excess fats in the body. Olive oil can be taken in the morning, if that doesn’t grose you out too much. It’s being said that if you keep a tablespoon of olive oil in your mouth for a few moments before eating it, it can collect all the bacterias from your tongue.
5. Did you know that each tiny bean is packed with fibers, nutrients and protein? Beans are also low in calories but they will give you energy throughout the day because they release energy slowly. Because of this, you will feel fuller and the high protein content will help you firm up your muscles and it will keep you toned. So switch from burgers to burritos and eat more bean chili instead of beef chili.

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